The party & event rental business is a nice balance between traditional and trendy. It is easy to come up with traditional content for our social media outlets. This often involves a styled shoot that includes a collaboration of vetted wedding vendors. This kind of content can be reused and recycled and still have the same lovely impact on our customers. However, when it comes to trendy content, as the name implies, it is constantly changing. We are always brainstorming what trends we should feature on our social media. While a full photo shoot of these trends would be ideal, it would end up very time consuming and costly. Out of necessity we created the “Mini Styled Shoot”.
These little shoots give us the opportunity to showcase design ideas and trends without the large investment of time and resources. In today's blog we want to feature the dozens of Mini Styled Shoots we have done over the years. They are a fun and colorful array of table designs.
What is involved in one of these little shoots? For a majority of the shots we use a white paper background we purchased that can be used with a pipe and drape structure. This creates a nice clean and neutral way to display the table being photographed. It's quick and easy to assemble. It's like having a portable studio in our warehouse. After setting up the backdrop, we then put together our design using our rental products. The finishing touch often includes a floral (real or fake) and paper design by Brett.
This kid’s tables, our favorite table, often includes other small details that we pick up from a local craft store. It’s those extra details that really bring these Mini Styled Shoots to life.
Keep scrolling to see some of our favorite shots we've taken over the years!