There are a lot of things to remember when you are planning a wedding. Like we are talkin’ A LOT OF THINGS TO REMEMBER. When you come to visit us at A-1, we know are a small part of that equation. Even at that, there are a lot of things to potentially remember or even worse, forget. Often our customer will say “what am I forgetting?!” Or “we are planning a wedding, what do we need?” We are here to talk you through that. But to be perfectly honest every event is different, and every customer has different needs. With that in mind we have been brainstorming some simple ways we can help our customer remember everything they might need from us for their event. Something that is simple and that everyone could use as a standard or guideline when booking their rentals. Today we are happy to present to you the “Wedding Rental Checklist”.
This comprehensive checklist can help you not forget essential rentals items you need for your big day. Or maybe this list will help you realize there were things that you needed, that you had not even thought of yet. You might not need everything on this list, and we realize that. We thought that a comprehensive list was more helpful than a limited list. This way you can cross off items you do not need and check off items you do need as you rent them.
We strive every day to make things easy and simple for our customers and others who are interested in events. So, download the PDF, screen-shot the checklist, pick up a copy in our store, just do what works best for you to help you stay organized for your big day.